1. |
2001/04/04 |
The Block Cipher SC2000(FSE 2001)
2. |
2001/09/13 |
Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis of a Reduced-Round SC2000(The 2nd NESSIE Workshop)
3. |
2002/02/06 |
Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis of a Reduced-Round SC2000(FSE 2002)
4. |
2002/09/13 |
Differential Cryptanalysis of a Reduced-Round SEED(SCN 2002)
5. |
2003/06/03 |
SyNRAC: A maple-package for solving real algebraic constraints(International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications (CASA 2003))
6. |
2003/08/04 |
SyNRAC: A Maple-package for solving real algebraic constraints toward a robust parametric control toolbox(SICE 2003)
7. |
2004/03/26 |
SyNRAC: A Maple package for solving real algebraic constraints(Ninth Rhine Workshop on Computer Algebra (RWCA 2004))
8. |
2004/06/09 |
Development of SyNRAC---Formula Description and New Functions(ICCS 2004)
9. |
2004/08/06 |
A MATLAB Toolbox for Robust Control Synthesis by Symbolic Computation
10. |
2004/09/04 |
Fixed-structure robust controller synthesis based on symbolic-numeric computation: design algorithms with a CACSD toolbox
11. |
2005/04/06 |
SyNRAC: A Maple Toolbox for Solving Real Algebraic Constraints(Algorithmic Algebra and Logic 2005)
12. |
2005/05/25 |
Development of SyNRAC(International Conference on Computational Science 2005)
13. |
2005/08/01 |
Growth of formulas during quantifier elimination by virtual substitution(ACA 2005)
14. |
2006/05/31 |
Development of SyNRAC---Real Quantifier Elimination Based on Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition and Visualization(International Conference on Computational Science 2006)
15. |
2006/09/03 |
SyNRAC: A Maple toolbox for solving real algebraic constraints(The Second International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS 2006))
16. |
2006/10/21 |
Development of a MATLAB toolbox for parametric robust control---new algorithms and functions---(SICE-ICCAS International Joint Conference 2006)
17. |
2007/06/03 |
An Environment for Manipulating First-Order Formulas over the Reals(The Fifth Asian Workshop on Foundations of Software (AWFS 2007))
18. |
2008/06/06 |
19. |
2008/06/30 |
Symbolic-Numeric Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition in SyNRAC(Applications of Computer Algebra 2008 (ACA 2008))
20. |
2008/06/30 |
SyNRAC: A Maple toolbox for solving real algebraic constraints(Applications of Computer Algebra 2008 (ACA 2008))
21. |
2008/08/28 |
22. |
2008/11/27 |
QEのための数値数式partial CADの実装(Computer Algebra---Design of Algorithms, Implementations and Applications)
23. |
2009/01/10 |
ものづくりにおける多目的最適化と数式処理(計算代数と数理科学 2009)
24. |
2009/01/28 |
25. |
2009/02/15 |
26. |
2009/03/22 |
QE/CAD のための solution formula construction の実装(Risa/Asir Conference 2009)
27. |
2009/08/05 |
An effective implementation of a symbolic-numeric cylindrical algebraic decomposition for quantifier elimination(Conference on Symbolic-Numeric Computation (SNC 2009))
28. |
2009/10/05 |
SyNRAC 2009 夏(JSSACシステム分科会)
29. |
2009/12/17 |
Symbolic-Numeric Approach to Some Classes of Parametric Optimization Problems for Manufacturing Design(The Joint Conference of ACSM2009 and MACIS2009)
30. |
2010/02/19 |
31. |
2010/09/17 |
SyNRAC---A Maple Toolbox for Solving Real Algebraic Constraints(The Third International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS 2010))
32. |
2010/12/03 |
符号情報利用による数値数式CADの効率的な実装(Computer Algebra---Design of Algorithms, Implementations and Applications)
33. |
2011/11/19 |
A quantifier elimination algorithm based on symbolic-numeric cylindrical algebraic decomposition(Fields Institute Workshop on Hybrid Methodologies for Symbolic-Numeric Computation)
34. |
2013/03/08 |
35. |
2013/12/23 |
36. |
2014/08/09 |
SyNRAC: A Toolbox for Solving Real Algebraic Constraints(The 4th International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS 2014))
37. |
2014/11/12 |
38. |
2015/03/26 |
State-Dependent Virtual Hierarchization of Batteries for Realizing a Glocal Control in Energy Network Systems and Its Application to Peak Power Reduction in Office(34th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control (BMSC 2015))
39. |
2015/05/31 |
State-dependent virtual hierarchization of batteries for realizing a glocal control in energy network systems and its application to peak power reduction in office(The 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2015))
40. |
2015/11/14 |
41. |
2016/03/16 |
42. |
2016/03/16 |
43. |
2016/04/22 |
Estimation of the discharges of the multiple water level stations by multi-objective optimization(European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016)
44. |
2016/04/22 |
Proper estimation of hydrological parameters from flood forecasting aspects(European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016)
45. |
2016/08/26 |
Parameter identification to estimate discharges of multiple water level stations using Colleo optimization software(12th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2016)-Smart Water for the Future)
46. |
2017/09/22 |
Derivation of Integrated State Equation for Combined Outputs-Inputs Vector of Discrete-Time Linear Time-Invariant System and Its Application to Reinforcement Learning(56th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE))
47. |
2017/09/22 |
Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning Method for Discrete-Time Linear Quadratic Regulation Problem Using Estimated State Value Function(56th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE))
48. |
2020/05/20 |
49. |
2020/11/22 |
50. |
2021/05/07 |
Safe Exploration Method for Reinforcement Learning under Existence of Disturbance(Security and Safety in Machine Learning Systems Workshop at ICLR 2021)