1. |
2023/03/18 |
2. |
2022/12/12 |
Risk Assessment of Child Malnutrition Focusing on Food Production Stability to Droughts(AGU Fall Meeting 2022)
3. |
2022/03 |
4. |
2022/03 |
An Estimation of desertification using ecosystem resistance and resilience in drylands(日本生態学会第69回全国大会)
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2022/03 |
大学緑地を活用したネットワークの構築(日本生態学会第69回全国大会 自由集会)
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2022/05/23 |
Low–flow parameters in relation to specific soil types and geology through long–term hydrological analysis(EGU General Assembly 2022)
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2022/05/23 |
Desertification assessment using ecosystem resistance and resilience in drylands(EGU General Assembly 2022)
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2021/03/19 |
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2021/03/19 |
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2021/03/04 |
Flow duration curves focusing on flood runoff in relation to different distributions of soil and geology in mountainous basins in Japan(EGU General Assembly 2021)
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2021/02/26 |
12. |
2020/03/08 |
Evaluation of ecosystem function by long-term climate data(Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan)
13. |
2020/03/07 |
多摩川河口におけるヤマトケシマグソコガネの生態 について(日本生態学会)
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2019/03/18 |
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2018/08/29 |
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2018/03 |
17. |
2017/09 |
18. |
2017/03 |
社会-生態システムの脆弱性に着目した気候変動影響評価:モンゴル放牧草原を例に. 企画集会「気候変動の緩和・適応策:生態系影響予測から人間活動との関係まで」(日本生態学会)
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2017/03 |
20. |
2016/12 |
Effects of land use history, soil type and the number of plant species on EVI after drought event(American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting)
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2016/09 |
22. |
2016/03 |
23. |
2016/03 |
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2015/09 |
25. |
2015/08 |
A Model Estimate of Glacier Melts Responses to Climate Change in High Mountain Asia(12th annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geoscience Society)
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2015/05 |
Model-based assessments of glacier melt response and hydrological impact on rivers in HMA under a high-emission(International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia)
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2015/03 |
28. |
2015/03 |
Developing global map of potential irrigation area(International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013)
29. |
2014/09 |
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2014/09 |
31. |
2014/08 |
Illustrating a New Global-scale Approach to Estimating Potential Reduction in Fish Species Richness due to Flow Alteration(11th annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geoscience Society)
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2014/04 |
Illustrating a New Global-scale Approach to Estimating Potential Reduction in Fish Species Richness due to Flow Alteration(European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014)
33. |
2013/08 |
Influence of land use history on NDVI in drought year in arid land(The Sixth Conference of Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources)
34. |
2013/05 |
Developing global map of potential irrigation area(International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013)
35. |
2012/07 |
Tolerances of Canola to drought and salinity stresses in terms of parameter values of root water uptake model(2nd International Conference on Hydropedology)
36. |
2011/10 |
Drought and Salinity Tolerances of Canola(ASA/CSSA/SSSA International Annual Meetings)
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2011/09 |
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2011/08 |
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2010/03 |
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2010/02 |
Response of plant functional traits to crop abandonment and soil nutrients in rangeland(International Forum for Ecosystem Management Applying to Ecosystem Adaptivity Science, Robustness and Stability of Organisms and Ecosystems)
41. |
2009/10 |
Early stages of secondary succession on abandoned cropland in semi-arid grassland, Mongolia(International Symposium on "Mongolian Ecosystems and Desertification" Ulaanbaatar)
42. |
2009/09 |
Change of soil hydraulic properties along the trajectory after the crop abandonment at a semi-arid grassland in Mongolia(2nd International Conference BIOHYDROLOGY 2009)
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2009/03 |
Early stages of secondary succession on abandoned cropland in semi-arid grassland, Mongolia(日本生態学会大会)
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2008/03 |
放牧傾度に沿った土壌中の塩類とその移動が植生に与える影響 - モンゴル国フスタイ国立公園の事例-(日本土壌肥料学会)
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2006/10 |
モンゴルステップ草原の植生と土壌に対する降水と放牧の影響(CREST研究領域 水の循環系モデリングと利用システム シンポジウム)
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2006/03 |
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2005/09 |
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2005/05 |
Comparison of soil profile and soil physico-chemical properties in grassland and abandoned cropland soils in Mongolia(Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting)