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2024/06/13 |
A case study: dialogic interactions between a Japanese visual impaired student with local resources in Malta island(7th ESTIDIA Conference: Exploring Real-life, Fictional and Virtual Dialogue: Similarities, Differences and Complementarities)
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2023/06/03 |
Fostering 21st century skills: COIL as a new approach to Project-Based learning(JALT CALL 2023)
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2022/11/14 |
How students learn meta-cognitive features in Online Project-based program(JALT 2022)
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2022/10/28 |
Discursive construction of “culture” in educational project in Online Collaborative International Learning project(The 11th Edition of the International Colloquium of Social Sciences and Communication (ACUM 2022) and the National Romanian Sociologists Society Conference)
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2022/06/17 |
Acquiring Discursive Competency via the Collaborative Online International Learning Project(6th ESTIDIA Conference Dialogue-shared Experiences across Space and Time: Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Practices)
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2021/05/05 |
Attempting discursive computing: A destination marketing project within a Collaborative Online international learning programme(the VII International Conference of the Unis Group)
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2019/10/18 |
Translanguaging in digital practices in destination marketing project(the International Colloquium of Social Sciences and Communication ACUM)
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2019/09/20 |
Languaging in digital practices in intercultural project-based learning among university students(5th ESTIDIA Conference Hybrid Dialogues: Transcending Binary Thinking and Moving Away from Societal Polarizations)
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2017/03/05 |
Creating Digital Texts for Discourse Analysis: Identifying the Emerging Discourse of War in 1930s Japan(Text and Context OTF Workshop 8)
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2015/11/27 |
What Differences did we make?; The Discourse of Nuclear power plant in Japan.(The 5th International Student conference "The World in the 21st Centruy: Economic Pollitical and Socio-cultural Aspects")
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2014/11/27 |
English as a Lingua France practice in Meisei University: brief report of Meisei Summer School Project(4th International Student Conference at the Belarus State Economic University)
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2014/08/11 |
Becoming a lingua franca user: Young learners in Asia in transborder spaces(AILA 2014 World Congress)
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2013/10/26 |
Young Lingua Franca Users in a Transborder Space(JALT2013)
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2011/12/03 |
Responses to nuclear accidents: A text analysis of newspaper articles in the immediate aftermath of Tokai Village (1999) and Fukushima (2011)(Oita Text Forum)
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2011/11/23 |
Student evaluation of Activity-theory-based course(JALT2011)
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2010/06/11 |
How university students develop their agency by task-based program of Meisei summer school project.(Nakasendo English Conference)
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2009/11/23 |
Attributes for success in a study abroad program.(JALT 2009)
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2009/02/10 |
Are native speakers ideal communicators? Deconstruction of traditional EFL discourse in Japan.(Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice)
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2008/07/10 |
Corpus Construction and Keyword Analysis of Texts Produced in the Aftermath of Tokai Village.(Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines)
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2007/09/10 |
Strategies for legitimizing corporate and governmental power.(Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise IV)
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2007/09/02 |
Strategies for legitimizing corporate and governmental power: A critical discourse analysis of texts produced in the aftermath of Tokai Village's nuclear fuel plant accident.(40th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics,)