1. |
2024/11/08 |
観測画像による合成開口望遠鏡 FFSAT の波面補正(第68回宇宙科学技術連合講演会)
2. |
2024/11/07 |
3. |
2024/10/23 |
Image-based active optics for a formation flying synthetic aperture telescope(ICSO 2024)
4. |
2024/09/30 |
Image-based iterative piston-tip-tilt alignment for space-based multiaperture imagers using the stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm(Optical Engineering + Applications 2024)
5. |
2023/04/18 |
衛星編隊飛行による合成開口望遠鏡のための面光源を用いた高精度光学システムチューニング手法(日本航空宇宙学会 第55期 年会講演会)
6. |
2023/10 |
観測画像を用いた補償光学による合成開口望遠鏡 FFSAT の光学系調整手法(第 67 回宇宙科学技術連合講演会)
7. |
2023/09/05 |
Active optics for a formation flying synthetic aperture telescope(SPIE Sensors + Imaging 2023)
8. |
2023/08/31 |
SPGD アルゴリズムによる地上シーンにもとづく分割鏡波面制御(第40回センシングフォーラム計測部門大会)
9. |
2023/06/06 |
Phasing a synthetic aperture telescope using image-based adaptive optics(The 34th ISTS & 12th NSAT)
10. |
2022/11/02 |
11. |
2022/11/01 |
超小型衛星フォーメーションフライトによる合成開口望遠鏡のための高精度位 置・姿勢制御手法(第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会)
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2022/11/01 |
13. |
2022/09/21 |
14. |
2022/08 |
Efficient image-based wavefront correction using phase diversity and SPGD optimization for high-resolution optical remote sensing(SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications)
15. |
2022/07 |
Feasibility Study on Thermal Design for Synthetic Aperture Telescope Using Formation Flying Micro-satellites(The 51st International Conference on Environmental Systems)
16. |
2022/03/04 |
Feasibility Study on Thermal Design of Optical System for Synthetic Aperture Telescope Using Formation Flying Micro-satellites(33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 10th Nano-Satellite Symposium & 14th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference)
17. |
2022/03/01 |
Alignment and Wavefront Correction for the Formation Flying Synthetic Aperture Telescope (FFSAT)(33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 10th Nano-Satellite Symposium & 14th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference)
18. |
2022/03/03 |
Initial Result of High-precision Control Experiments with Optical System for Synthetic Aperture Telescope Using Formation Flying Micro-satellites(33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 10th Nano-Satellite Symposium & 14th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference)
19. |
2021/11/10 |
超小型衛星 FF における光学系の熱ひずみの観測性能への影響評価・改善手法の検討(第65回宇宙科学技術連合講演会)
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2021/11/10 |
21. |
2021/11/10 |
フォーメーションフライトによる合成開口望遠鏡 FFSAT の光学系調整手法(第65回宇宙科学技術連合講演会)
22. |
2021/11/09 |
23. |
2021/08/01 |
Wavefront compensation based on stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm for Earth observation telescope(SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications)
24. |
2021/03/30 |
Image processing for a formation flying synthetic aperture telescope(International Conference on Space Optics (ICSO2020))
25. |
2020/12/13 |
Wavefront correction using MEMS deformable mirror for Earth observation satellite with large segmented telescope(SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation)
26. |
2020/10/29 |
27. |
2020/10/27 |
28. |
2020/10/29 |
29. |
2020/10/30 |
30. |
2020/10/29 |
31. |
2020 |
Experimental Study for µm-class Control of Relative Position and Attitude for Synthetic Aperture Telescope Using Formation Flying Micro-satellites(21st IFAC World Congress 2020)
32. |
2020 |
Experimental Study for Synthetic Aperture Telescope Using Formation Flying Micro-satellites for High-frequency and High-resolution GEO Remote Sensing(34th Annual Small Satellite Conference)
33. |
2019/11/08 |
34. |
2019/11/06 |
35. |
2019/11/06 |
36. |
2019/11/06 |
37. |
2019/08/14 |
Co-phasing a segmented mirror telescope using a deformable mirror and phase diversity(SPIE Optics + Photonics)
38. |
2019/07/28 |
Geostationary Earth Observation Satellite with Large Segmented Telescope(IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium)
39. |
2019/06/20 |
Conceptual Optical Design of a Synthetic Aperture Telescope by Small Satellite Formation Flying for GEO Remote Sensing(32nd ISTS & 9th NSAT)
40. |
2019/03/18 |
41. |
2019/01/23 |
42. |
2018/10/26 |
43. |
2018/10/26 |
44. |
2018/10/25 |
45. |
2018/10/24 |
46. |
2018/10/10 |
On-orbit alignment and wavefront compensation of segmented aperture telescope using adaptive optics(ICSO 2018)
47. |
2018/04/19 |
フォーメーションフライトによる合成開口望遠鏡のための高精度位置・姿勢制御に関する研究(日本航空宇宙学会 年会講演会講演集)
48. |
2017/10/26 |
49. |
2017/08/09 |
Adaptive Optics Using a MEMS Deformable Mirror for a Segmented Mirror(SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications)
50. |
2017/06/08 |
Wavefront correction using deformable mirror for extended scene: experimental results(31st ISTS, 26th ISSFD & 8th NSAT)
51. |
2017/06/08 |
Development of Binary Black Hole Observation Satellite ‘ORBIS’(31st ISTS, 26th ISSFD & 8th NSAT)
52. |
2016/09/08 |
53. |
2016/08/06 |
On-Orbit Verification of Luminance Based Target Tracking and Faint Body Extractions by a Small Telescope on the World's First Micro-Interplanetary Space Probe(Small Satellite Conference)
54. |
2016/03/23 |
超小型衛星を用いた天文観測の提案とその初号機ORBISの開発(高エネルギー宇宙物理連絡会 第15回研究会)
55. |
2016/01/06 |
PROCYON における小惑星近接撮像・光学航法複合システムの深宇宙軌道上性能実証(第16回宇宙科学シンポジウム)
56. |
2015/10/09 |
デフォーマブルミラーを用いた補償光学実験(第59回 宇宙科学技術連合講演会)
57. |
2015/10/09 |
58. |
2015/02/12 |
Image based wavefront compensation with deformable mirror for small satellite remote sensing(SPIE OPTO)
59. |
2014/11/14 |
観測画像を用いた補償光学系の開発(第58回 宇宙科学技術連合講演会)
60. |
2014/09/13 |
超小型衛星を用いた天文観測の提案とその初号機 ORBIS の開発状況(日本天文学会2014年秋季年会)
61. |
2014/03/22 |
超小型衛星を用いた天文観測の提案とその初号機 ORBIS の開発状況(日本天文学会2014年春季年会)
62. |
2014/02/02 |
Wavefront compensation technique using acquired images for small satellite remote sensing(SPIE MOEMS-MEMS)
63. |
2014/01/09 |
64. |
2014/01/09 |
65. |
2014/01/09 |
66. |
2014/01/09 |
67. |
2013/11/20 |
Development of Binary Black Hole Observation Satellite 'ORBIS'(5th Nano-Satellite Symposium)
68. |
2013/10/09 |
衛星搭載に向けた観測画像を用いた補償光学技術(第57回 宇宙科学技術連合講演会)
69. |
2013/09/11 |
70. |
2013/08/29 |
Image-based wavefront compensation using deformable mirror for remote sensing telescope(SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications)
71. |
2013/08/29 |
PADとScratchを利用した構造化プログラミング基礎教育の取組 : 設計力と会話力を重視した明星大学電気電子工学系の体験教育(工学教育研究講演会講演論文集)
72. |
2013/06/05 |
Image-based adaptive optics for remote sensing satellite(29th ISTS)
73. |
2012/11/22 |
74. |
2012/10/10 |
Control Algorithm for Adaptive Optics in Remote Sensing Telescope(ICSOS 2012)
75. |
2012/07/24 |
Similarity measure for spatial-spectral registration in hyperspectral era(IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium)
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2012/07/02 |
Image based deformable mirror control for adaptive optics in satellite telescope(SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation)
77. |
2011/06/07 |
Laboratory test results for adaptive optics using image-based wavefront sensing for remote sensing(28th ISTS)
78. |
2011/05/11 |
Laboratory test results for adaptive optics using image-based wavefront sensing for remote sensing(ICSOS 2011)
79. |
2010/11/17 |
80. |
2010/11/13 |
Preprocessing of hyperspectral imagery with consideration of smile and keystone properties(SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing)
81. |
2010/11/09 |
補償光学におけるPhase diversity法を用いた 収差と画像ずれの推定手法(日本リモートセンシング学会 第49回(平成22年度秋季)学術講演会)
82. |
2010/10/24 |
Phase Diversity Selection Using Spatial Light Modulator(Frontiers in Optics 2010/Laser Science XXVI)
83. |
2010/10/11 |
Philosophy and key features of 'Hodoyoshi' concept for optical remote sensing using 50kg class satellites(SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing)
84. |
2010/09/20 |
Sub-pixel registration method for phase diversity wavefront sensor using spatial light modulator(SPIE Remote Sensing)
85. |
2010/08/01 |
Adaptive optics for small satellite remote sensing system using LCOS-SLM as a phase diversity generator(SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications)
86. |
2010/07/25 |
Detection and correction of spectral and spatial misregistrations for hyperspectral data(IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium)
87. |
2010/05/27 |
空間光変調器を用いた補償光学技術(日本リモートセンシング学会 第48回(平成22年度春季)学術講演会)
88. |
2010/05/27 |
ハイパースペクトルデータにおける光学特性の改善(日本リモートセンシング学会 第48回(平成22年度春季)学術講演会)
89. |
2010/05/27 |
空間光変調器を用いた回折格子の分光特性(日本リモートセンシング学会 第48回(平成22年度春季)学術講演会)
90. |
2010/05/27 |
空間光変調器を用いた補償光学系に関する研究(日本リモートセンシング学会 第48回(平成22年度春季)学術講演会)
91. |
2010/05/27 |
超小型衛星による高解像度撮像ミッション(日本リモートセンシング学会 第48回(平成22年度春季)学術講演会)
92. |
2010/04/12 |
Test results of optimal phase diversity selection using a LCOS-SLM for remote sensing adaptive optics(SPIE Photonics Europe)
93. |
2010/03/16 |
空間光変調器を用いたリモートセンシングにおける補償光学技術(電子情報通信学会 総合大会)
94. |
2009/10/28 |
Onboard Wavefront Estimation Using Spatial Light Modulator as a Phase Diversity Generator(IEEE Sensors 2009)
95. |
2009/09/09 |
96. |
2009/08/03 |
On-orbit self-compensation of satellite optics using spatial light modulator(SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications)
97. |
2009/07/07 |
On-Orbit Self-Compensation of Satellite Optics Using Spatial Light Modulator(27th ISTS)
98. |
2009/02/05 |
Study on On-Orbit Self-Compensation of Satellite Optics Using Spatial Light Modulator(ICSOS 2009)
99. |
2008/11/05 |
100. |
2008/06/05 |
On-Orbit Reconstruction of Satellite Optics with Observed Image(26th ISTS)
101. |
2007/06/25 |
102. |
2006/10/02 |
Sounding Rocket Experiment Results of Large Net Extension in Space to be Applied to Future Large Phased Array Antenna(57th International Astronautical Congress)
103. |
2006/06/08 |
Advanced Remote Sensing Concept with Small Satellites Formation(25th ISTS & 19th ISSFD)
104. |
2006/06/08 |
Technology Demonstration Results on University of Tokyo's Pico-Satellite XI-V(25th ISTS & 19th ISSFD)
105. |
2006/06/07 |
High Resolution Extensible Telescope for University of Tokyo’s Remote Sensing Nano-Satellite “PRISM”(25th ISTS & 19th ISSFD)
106. |
2005/11/09 |
107. |
2005/11/09 |
108. |
2003/11/17 |
109. |
2003/08/06 |
Quick-scanning FTS development and application(Optical Science and Technology, SPIE's 48th Annual Meeting)
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2003/01/08 |
111. |
2002/10/10 |
Educational Pico-Satellite Project CUBESAT - University of Tokyo's CUBESAT XI and its Operation Plan(IAF abstracts, 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly)
112. |
2002/09/25 |
噴流衝突型高推力ハイブリッドロケットの開発および打上げ実験(日本機械学会 年次大会)
113. |
2002/05/26 |
University of Tokyo's CubeSat "XI" as a Student-Built Educational Pico-Satellite - Final Design and Operation Plan-(23rd ISTS)
114. |
2001/10/17 |
ARLISS2001における東大CanSatのFly Back実験(第45回宇宙科学技術連合講演会)
115. |
2001/10/17 |
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2001/10/17 |
117. |
2001/08/13 |
University of Tokyo's CubeSat project: its educational and technological significance(15th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites)
118. |
2000/10/15 |