1. |
A case study: Dialogic interactions between a Japanese visual impaired student with local resources in Malta island(7th ESTIDIA Conference Exploring Real-life, Fictional and Virtual Dialogue: Similarities, Differences and Complementarities)
2. |
2024/02/10 |
Interpretation Acts in Iranian-Japanese ELF Interaction: A Visual Ethnographic Approach(The Nineth International Confrence on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature)
3. |
2022/06/16 |
Dialogues in Online Experiential Learning Project for Georgian and Japanese Undergraduates(6th ESTIDIA Conference Dialogue-shared Experiences across Space and Time: Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Practices)
4. |
2021/11/27 |
Underlying continuity of modernity in late modern Japan - “LINE” interaction(ACAS 2021: The 15th Annual Conference on Asian Studies: Continuity and Change)
5. |
2021/09/03 |
Stickers in Mobile Instant Messaging in Social Business Discourse in Japan(15th Conference of European Sociological Association 'Sociological Knowledge for Alternative Futures")
6. |
2021/08/27 |
A new approach to ELF discourse: Towards a sensory-pragmatics of competence(2021 Association for Business Communication Regional Conference Vienna)
7. |
2020/10/28 |
When ready-made, core common ground and shared sociocultural knowledge are not available. Timing and time perception in intercultural business communication.(Association for Business Communication Annual International Conference)
8. |
2020/06/29 |
Construction and deconstruction of borders in Project-based learning(VI Congresso Internacional do Grupo Unis - I International Conference)
9. |
2019/09/20 |
Languaging in Lingua Franca projects: Multiple perspectives(5th ESTIDIA Conference)
10. |
2019/11/24 |
Stance taking in a Romanian-Japanese Lingua Franca English project: Multi-modal analysis(The 18TH International Conference of the Department of Linguistics: Romanian and the Romance languages)
11. |
2018/07/13 |
Sharing the value of mixed methods research in a test development project(Association of Business Communication Regional Conference at the University of Alcalá, 2018)
12. |
2018/06/07 |
Intercultural dialogue between Japanese tourists and Romanian local communities in Lăpuș Land, Transylvania(CREATOUR 2nd International Conference - Emerging and Future Trends in Creative Tourism)
13. |
2018/03/25 |
Valorizing intangible cultural heritage through community-based tourism in Lăpuș , Transylvania(Interpret Europe Conference)
14. |
2017/11/17 |
Using Collaborative Project-Based Learning to Promote Tourism Destinations in Transylvania(East-West Cohesion PROGRAM OF INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE)
15. |
2017/08/28 |
Visual narratives for destination marketing(13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities)
16. |
2017/06/26 |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Orientation – Exploring New Avenues For Future Research,(5th Annual International Conference on Marketing"Market Intelligence and Business Analytics: Beyond Market Research")
17. |
2017/04/19 |
Acquisition of discourse strategies in lingua franca English business project based learning.(The Seventh International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching)
18. |
2016/12/03 |
「大学の授業内での言語マネジメント:言語とディスコース」(日本「アジア英語」学会 第39 回全国大会)
19. |
2016/11/25 |
Lingua Franca English in Asian Business and University students(“The World in the 21st Century: Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Issues (in foreign languages) ”)
20. |
2016/10/22 |
グローバルコンピテンシー育成のプロジェクトベース教育(第20回 国際コミュニケーションマネジメント研究会)
21. |
2016/10/14 |
Discourse strategies in ELF: Project-based learning in Transylvania(JALT BCSIG)
22. |
2016/10/08 |
Nurturing Global Competency through Real World Projects(国際ビジネスコミュニケーション学会第 76 回全国大会)
23. |
2016/06/26 |
A Management Approach to Linguistic Research(JALT Business Communication Special Interest Group Fukuoka Conference)
24. |
2016/04/23 |
25. |
2016/01/07 |
Getting into business: research methodology and researcher-informant interaction(Figuratively Speaking)
26. |
2016/01/06 |
Standardized formats v. cultural identities? The case of Japanese business presentations(Figuratively Speaking)
27. |
2015/11/20 |
A Linguistic Approach to Management Research: Leadership Discourse in English as Lingua Franca Meetings(ACUM)
28. |
2015/06/12 |
PowerPoint presentation in Asian Business Discourses(Discourse Communication and the Enterprise VIII)
29. |
2014/08/24 |
Becoming a lingua franca user: Young learners in Asia in transborder spaces(AILA World Congress 2014)
30. |
2013/10/27 |
Young lingua franca users in a transborder space(JALT2013 Conference)
31. |
2013/04/26 |
Link-pin Identity: Asian Business Discourse(s) on the Construction of Leadership(11th Conference on British and American Studies 'Embracing Multitudes of Meaning')
32. |
2013/03/14 |
An Analysis of Topic Management Patterns and Strategies in Intercultural Decision making Meetings: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong and Japan(Zen and the Art of Business Communication)
33. |
2013/03/15 |
Business Competence: Qualitative Analysis of the Can-Do Statement(Zen and the art of business communication)
34. |
2012/12/02 |
Decision Making in Intercultural Meeting using Lingua Franca English(Language and Intercultural Communication Conference)
35. |
2012/05/11 |
Communication Behaviors and Strategies between Intra-and Intercultural Decision-Making Meetings: A Comparison of Hong Kong and Japanese Cases(English in Asia's Language Habitats and Europes Asia Competence)
36. |
2011/11/19 |
Lingua franca English between young learners(JALT International Conference 2011)
37. |
2011/03/11 |
Transition and Status-quo of Japanese HRM(6th International Conference of Human Resource Management: HR Innovations)
38. |
2010/10/30 |
Turn-taking Behavior and Topic Management Strategies of Chinese and Japanese Business Professionals(Association of Business Communication)
39. |
2010/10/20 |
40. |
2010/08/26 |
East-West business communication from an Eastern Asian perspective(The 10th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English )
41. |
2010/04/01 |
Developing interpersonal skills in international Japanese companies: The Tanaka and Handford Approach(9th Asia Pacific Conference of the Association for Business Communication)
42. |
2009/11/21 |
Forum “Co-authoring projects between teachers and students”(全国語学教育学会 第35回 国際年次大会)
43. |
2009/08/19 |
The Mutual Gaze: Japan, The West and Business Management and Training.(The Gaze of the West Framing of the East)
44. |
2009/07/13 |
Conceptualizing ‘whole lives’ across cultures and across languages: an experiment in dialectic(The Sixth International Critical Management Conference)
45. |
2009/02/27 |
A Sociocultural Approach ・ to Pre-service Teacher Development in Japan(“Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice”)
46. |
2008/12/09 |
English as a Language of Asian Business (ELAB): tradition, development and innovation(APacLSP 08 - Partnerships in Action: Research, Training & Practice: Inaugural Conference of the Asia-Pacific Rim)
47. |
2008/10/12 |
ビジネス・ディスコース分析:ビジネスコミュニケーションの研究手法に関する考察(第68回 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション学会)
48. |
2008/07/02 |
Relational work in business interaction: Cases from East-West encounters and a Japanese intra-organization business meeting(4th International Symposium on Politeness)
49. |
2007/09/11 |
Corporate Language Training and Employees’ Social Identities(Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise IV)
50. |
2007/03/28 |
Turn-taking strategies in international alliance meetings(The 7th Asia Pacific Conference of the Association of Business Communication (ABC) Hong Kong)
51. |
2006/11/27 |
Needs analysis of pre-departure students in Japanese study abroad program(CULI’s 2006 International Conference)
52. |
2006/11/04 |
Comprehensive Needs Analysis for NGO Stuff(JALT International Conference.)
53. |
2006/06 |
Communication Strategies and Hidden Assumptions:An Analysis of French-Japanese Business Meeting(The 8th ABC European Convention)
54. |
2005/11 |
English language curriculum and materials development(Inaugural International Conference on Teaching and Learning of English)
55. |
2005/09 |
A case study of application of TBLT to teacher training(1st International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching)
56. |
2004/07 |
Application of team teaching techniques to teacher training courses(5th Conference of PAC at FEELTA)
57. |
2004/06 |
Discursive formation of Japanese business community(The 1st Conference, International Conference on Critical Discourse Analysis)
58. |
2003/10 |
Globalisation and Language Education Needs Analysis in a Japanese Business(The 3rd International Conference on Language and Development)
59. |
2003/06 |
Business discourse in Japanese business settings(The 5th European Convention, Association of Business Communication)
60. |
2003/03 |
Business Discourse in a Japanese Business Setting(2003 Annual Conference, American Association of Applied Linguistics)
61. |
2002/10 |
Needs Analysis for alliance meetings(The 9th Conference, International Association of World Englishes)
62. |
2002/09 |
スピーチコミュニケーション(第19回 国際パフォーマンス学会)
63. |
2001/11 |
Re-examining Learner Needs: Discourse Needs in Japanese Business Context(The 3rd Conference, PAC /Japan Association of Language Teachers)
64. |
2001/06 |
Business English needs analysis(The 13th Annual Conference, Association of Japanese Business Studies)
65. |
2001/03 |
Business Discourse Between Japanese and Native Speakers of English in Japan(2001 Annual Conference, American Association of Applied Linguistics)
66. |
2000/09 |
バイリンガルコミュニティ(第18回 国際パフォーマンス学会)
67. |
2000/07 |
Strategic Development of Human Resource Management in Japanese Firms: The status quo and the direction of human resource policy forming the core of Human Resource Strategy(The 6th Conference of Western Academy of Management)