1. |
2001/05 |
Enhancing Parent Training Program of Early Intervention for Children with Autism : NGO Activities of Japan and Malaysia for ABA Program(The Association for Behavior Analysis 27th convention)
2. |
2001/05 |
NGO Activities of Applying Early Intervention Program to Parents Who Have Autistic Children : International Cooperation of Japan and Malaysia using ABA Program(The Association for Behavior Analysis 27th convention)
3. |
2001/09 |
4. |
2002/05 |
Effects of Self-Monitoring by Students with Autism: Differential Effects of Self-Recording Accuracy and Time.(The Association for Behavior Analysis 28th convention)
5. |
2002/05 |
he Factors Encouraging Interaction on Family Support for Children with Autism and PDD(The Association for Behavior Analysis 28th convention)
6. |
2002/09 |
7. |
2003/09 |
8. |
2003/09 |
9. |
2004/03/01 |
10. |
2004/08/01 |
11. |
2005 |
12. |
2005/05/27 |
Teaching Strategy for children with Autism to Play the Piano(The Association for Behavior Analysis 31th convention)
13. |
2005/05/28 |
Acquisition of Cell Phone E-mail Use by Children with Autism in Community Settings(The Association for Behavior Analysis 31th convention)
14. |
2005/06/01 |
15. |
2006/09/01 |
16. |
2007/05 |
he Effects of Receptive-Language Training on Functional Verbal Behavior and Brain Function(Association for Behavior Analysis International 33rd Annual Convention)
17. |
2007/05 |
Intensive Supervision for Teachers Conducting Behavioral Treatment for Children with Autism in Indonesia(Association for Behavior Analysis International 33rd Annual Convention)
18. |
2007/05/01 |
Intensive Supervision for Teachers Conducting Behavioral Treatment for Children with Autism in Indonesia(Association for Behavior Analysis International 33rd Annual Convention)
19. |
2007/05/01 |
The Effects of Receptive-Language Training on Functional Verbal Behavior and Brain Function(Association for Behavior Analysis International 33rd Annual Convention)
20. |
2007/08 |
自閉症児の言語獲得における学習基盤 : 近赤外分光法(NIRS)を用いた学習と神経科学的過程との関連(日本行動分析学会第25回大会)
21. |
2007/08/01 |
22. |
2008/05/25 |
Staff-Training Program in Home-Based Early Intervention of Children with Autism: The Method for Modifying Student-Teachers to ABA Therapists(Association for Behavior Analysis International 34rd Annual Convention)
23. |
2008/08 |
自閉症児へのDiscrete-Trials Teachingにおける、学生スタッフ短期養成プログラム(日本行動分析学会第26回大会)
24. |
2010 |
25. |
2010/09 |
26. |
2010/09 |
選択的な離席行動の観察・記録研究 : 独自の学校適応を形成した児童を対象に(日本行動分析学会第28回大会)
27. |
2011/05 |
Staff Training on Implementation of Discrete:Trial Teaching on Pervasive Developmental Disorder.(37th ABAI Annual Convention)
28. |
2011/11 |
Application of Self-Monitoring and Token Economy System to Inappropriate Behaviors of Children With Developmental Disabilities(ABAI 6th International Conference)
29. |
2012 |
Analyzing functional verval behavior of child with autism in home setting(ABAI 2012 38th Annual Convention)
30. |
2012/05 |
Recognizing Emotion in Conflicting Facial and Contextual Cues(Association for Behavior Analysis International 38rd Annual Convention)
31. |
2012/05 |
Using video modeling to teach card game rule to a children with autism: ”Concentration” and “Babanuki (Japanese Old Fish)”(38th ABAI Annual Convention)
32. |
2012/08 |
33. |
2012/09 |
34. |
2013/05/25 |
Support for a child with asperger disorder in inclusive education: Improvement of inappropriate verbal behavior by self-monitoring(ABAI 2013 39th Annual Convention)
35. |
2013/05/26 |
Using Video Self-Monitoring to Improve Complex Discussion Skills to Children with PDD(2013 39th ABAI Annual Convention)
36. |
2013/05/27 |
The effect of training program for parents of children with inappropriate behavior(2013 39th ABAI Annual Convention)
37. |
2013/09/21 |
38. |
2013/09/21 |
39. |
2014/06/26 |
40. |
2014/06/28 |
41. |
2014/09/11 |
Behavioral consultation to a special support school: From the increase in a behavioral repertoire(7th conference of the European Association for Behavior Analysis)
42. |
2015 |
43. |
2015/08/29 |
非言語行動に対するルールの制御力の検証 ―ルール支配行動とACTの理論を用いて―(日本行動分析学会第33回年次大会)
44. |
2015/08/30 |
知的障害のあるASD児に対する終助詞「よ」を 弁別刺激とした返礼行動の指導(日本行動分析学会第33回年次大会)
45. |
2015/09/23 |
46. |
2015/09/28 |
The effect of difficulty as effort on the implicit attitude and choices of stimuli that follow(第8回国際行動分析学会)
47. |
2016/09/10 |
Implicit Relational Assessment Procedureによる日本人大学生を対象とした集団主義の測定(日本行動分析学会第34回年次大会)
48. |
2016/09/19 |
知的障害のある人のメンタルヘルスと心理療法 ―青年・成人期のメンタルヘルスに関するニーズに応えるために-(日本特殊教育学会第54回大会)
49. |
2017 |
脱フュージョン後自己ルール不一致課題中の流暢性の検証(日本行動分析学会 第35回年次大会)
50. |
2017/03/25 |
51. |
2017/09/18 |
52. |
2017/09/21 |
53. |
2017/10 |
54. |
2017/10/06 |
55. |
2017/10/07 |
56. |
2017/11/14 |
Using Video to Teach Children With Autism Spectrum Disorderto Say "daijyoubu" (Are you OK?)(ABAI Ninth International Conference)
57. |
2018 |
Investigation of the Relationship between the Cognition of the Concepts of "Engage" and "Escape" to the Evaluation of Work.(ACBS World Conference 16)
58. |
2018/05/28 |
Developing Self-Evaluation Method for Speech Rate of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder(44th Annual Convention)
59. |
2018/05/28 |
The Effect of Discrimination Training on Clothes Suitable for Room Temperature in Autism Spectrum Disorder Children With Intellectual Disabilities(44th Annual Convention)
60. |
2018/08/24 |
61. |
2018/08/31 |
62. |
2019 |
Teaching a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder to Pay: Applying Relational Frame Theory.(ACBS World Conference 17)
63. |
2019 |
自閉症スペクトラム児における疑似的自己モニタリングによる 不適切行動の低減 ―他者の主観的視点の映像によるビデオフィードバック―(日本行動分析学会37回年次大会)
64. |
2019/08/30 |
65. |
2019/08/31 |
発達障害のある幼児を対象とした小集団療育場面における実施 負担の少ないスタッフトレーニングの開発(日本行動分析学会37回年次大会)
66. |
2019/09/01 |
ASD 児におけるアナログゲームを活用した他者との余暇活動レ パートリーの拡大(日本行動分析学会37回年次大会)
67. |
2019/09/01 |
中度知的障害を伴うASD 児への疑似的自己モニタリングを用い た行動支援(日本行動分析学会37回年次大会)
68. |
2019/09/01 |
69. |
2020/08/29 |
ASD 児の会話スキル指導における動画弁別訓練の効果(日本行動分析学会38回年次大会)
70. |
2020/08/30 |
プレッシャー状況下のパフォーマンスに注意訓練法が与える影響の 検証(日本行動分析学会38回年次大会)